如何支付水電瓦斯費用?How to pay utility bills?



  1. 在水、電、瓦斯公司臨櫃繳費。

  2. 在銀行或郵局支付。(在台北市有幾家不同的瓦斯公司,某些瓦斯帳單可以在某些銀行交費,並不是所有瓦斯公司的帳單都可以在任何銀行繳費)

  3. 辦理銀行帳號直接扣款或使用信用卡繳付帳單。申請這種支付方式可能需要多達 45 個工作天的時間。

  4. 在便利商店支付。例如7-11、全家便利商店、萊爾富或OK便利商店 ,大多數便利商店都可以支付水、電、瓦斯帳單。 如果超過支付截止日期,則必須直接在水、電、瓦斯公司臨櫃繳費。但某些便利店的機器也可以接受遲付的帳單。





  1. 自行將度數填寫於如圖(一)(二)的抄表通知單。通常會在每二個月的特定日期前張貼在大樓的一樓或電梯處。

  2. 該瓦斯公司網頁自報度數

  3. 電話告知瓦斯公司度數

  4. 智慧型手機APP自報度數





In Taiwan, utility bills for water, electricity, and gas are issued bi-monthly, WiFi monthly through mail. Be sure to check your mailbox at your apartment. 

Payment methods include: 

1. At the utility company's office. (not recommended)

2. At banks or post offices (note: specific banks for certain gas companies in Taipei City, also not recommended)

3. Automatic deductions from bank accounts or credit card payments at the bank (setup may take up to 45 working days).

4. The most convenient way: Convenience stores like 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, or OK Mart, which accept bill payments, including some late payments through in-store machines. Late payments can also be made at the utility company's counter.

Here are some other things you’d need to know about your utility bills:

Water & Electricity:

1. Meters read every two months.

2. Water meters on rooftops, electricity meters on ground floor/basement/walls.

3. Usage calculated from meter readings.


1. Gas meters near kitchen on balcony wall.

2. Residents responsible for reading meters every two months.

3. Methods to inform gas company:

     - Fill meter reading form. (Usually when you see the little pink piece of paper as shown below in the elevator or community bulletin board, its time to read the meter and fill it out)

     - Use company's website.

     - Call or use smartphone app.

4. Failure to report prompts gas company to estimate usage, potentially leading to overpayment.


 (圖一Attachment1)  (圖二Attachment2) 


(Yang Ming Shan gas bill)(water bill)